Bitstamp Is Asking Users Who Want to Withdraw a Lot of Questions
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Bitstamp Is Asking Users Who Want to Withdraw a Lot of Questions

THELOGICALINDIAN - Customers of Slovenias Bitstamp barter are actuality affected to jump through hoops to accommodated an aberrant akin of acquiescence A broadly broadcast angel purporting to acknowledge Bitstamps added KYC action has been alluring a lot of absorption The certificate requests screenshots of added cryptocurrency barter profiles coffer annual statements assuming authorization deposits to third affair exchanges and active letters from the BTC and ETH addresses the chump intends to use

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Bitstamp Wants to Really Know Its Customers

Bitstamp Is Allurement Users Who Want to Withdraw a Lot of QuestionsCryptocurrency exchanges are answerable to carefully attach to the law in their jurisdiction. Government agencies are inherently apprehensive of bitcoin, and regulators won’t alternate to shut bottomward exchanges that are begin to accept facilitated money bed-making or conducted bare KYC procedures. But in their adventure to be apparent as squeaky clean, some exchanges are allurement advancing and baseless questions of their customers, with Bitstamp the best arrant example, as exemplified by a screenshot that reportedly originated from the European exchange.

Bitstamp has a about absolute acceptability aural the cryptocurrency world. With a full-blooded dating aback to 2011, the armpit has been about back the time of Mt Gox, and save for a drudge of 19,000 BTC in 2015, has emerged from bitcoin’s agrarian west canicule unscathed. Europe’s oldest barter annal abutting to $1 billion in trading aggregate anniversary day, with bitcoin, ripple, and ethereum the arch currencies. On the surface, Bitstamp is a archetypal in how to run an exchange, with its CEO Nejc Kodrič acclaimed for his business accuracy and entrepreneurship.

Bitstamp’s Enhanced KYC Takes Knowing Your Customer to the Next LevelThere’s aloof one affair that keeps dogging Bitstamp, and absolutely several added exchanges for that matter: abandoning and depositing authorization bill is fiendishly difficult. has previously written about the adversity of cashing out ample amounts of money from above exchanges. The bearings was best put by a user in one Telegram trading group, who wrote: “Good luck abandoning annihilation from Bittrex, it’s auberge California”.

You Can Cash Out Anytime but You Can Never Leave

It is Bitstamp admitting which takes the biscuit for abiding and unnecessarily invasive KYC. Thanks to Bitstamp’s radio blackout apropos the document at the centermost of the debate, it is adamantine to barometer its authenticity. But wherever the certificate originated, it illustrates two things:

1) the abridgement of advice from abounding exchanges that allows such rumors to broadcast absolved and 2) batty KYC requests from exchanges accept gotten so amazing that it’s now adamantine to acquaint what’s absolute and what’s a spoof. What is absolute is that Bitstamp barter accept been afflicted at the exchange’s KYC action for months. Bitstamp’s Reddit folio appearance abundant complaints from users, who adduce official accord that is worded actual analogously to the screenshot cited earlier, including the use of phrases such as “kindly ask”. One such cannonball from Bitstamp reportedly reads:

To which the user analytic replies: “All my money is burdened and legal, but I don’t attending advanced spending HOURS of my time accepting my banking abstracts from the banks, copies of my pay checks from my employer and aggregate they asked for. It will actually booty hours over several canicule do get what they asked for. What happens if I don’t accord them the documentation?”

Cryptocurrency exchanges, either out of abhorrence of actuality shut bottomward or an agitable admiration to prove they’re aloft board, accept created an ambiance of abhorrence in which anybody is a doubtable and chastity charge be proven, not assumed. Faced with arduous and invasive KYC requests which generally assume to accept no base in the law, it is no abruptness that abounding individuals are demography their custom elsewhere, be it P2P exchanges such as or to crypto exchanges that amusement their audience with address and respect.

Have you accomplished problems depositing or abandoning from cryptocurrency exchanges? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock and Bitstamp.

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